Here it goes...
- Post these rules
- Post a photo and eleven random things about yourself
- Answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you
- Create eleven new questions for the people you tag - Contact those you choose and let them know they've been tagged
- Post these rules
- Post a photo and eleven random things about yourself
- Answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you
- Create eleven new questions for the people you tag - Contact those you choose and let them know they've been tagged
The Randoms
1. I love putting a can of Dr Pepper in the freezer for a couple hours and drinking it when it's slushy. Yum!
2. I have an obsession with long hair and beards. If you put long hair and a beard on any guy, he instantly become ten times hotter!
3. Amy and I have a fake name we've used on occasion ever since high school when our "adventures" called for a fake identity.
4. In my younger years, a few of my friends and I jumped into the dam in the late hours of the night only to find a police officer drive up and tell us we could keep juming if we took our shirts! Needless to say, he was a sicko!!
5. I eat about 7 meals a day. I'm not one to eat big meals but I love snacking all day long!
6. Every couple months, I wake up to my husband shaking me saying "wake up, wake up! You're just having a dream." Aparently I have some sort of panic attack during my sleep and last night as he tried to wake me up, I started full on fighting him..pushing, hitting, kicking.. Luckily I woke up and realized it was just a dream and stopped abusing my husband.
7. I have 7 apps on my phone all for the purpose of giving me updates about my baby's growth and development week by week.. and yes, I do read them over and over and over again. I'm a bit obsessed!
8. If I'm not sure how to spell a word, I open a new text on my phone and let my auto correct take over.
9. Every weekend Scott and I pull all the blankets off our bed put them on the floor in front of the fire place and watch a movie. Best night of the week!
10. I love nachos from the gas station!
11. I bought tickets for the Hunger Games movie the day they went on sale! Can't wait for March 24th!
Amy's Questions
1. if you had to change your name, what would you change it to and why?- I don't think I would change my name actually.
2. if you only had 24 hours to live, how would you spend your time?
- I would ditch work.. obviously and do something fun with those I love.
3. what is your all time favorite ride at disneyland?
-For sure the log ride.
4. what color is your toothbrush?
-Pink and white
5. what is the hardest thing you have ever done?
- The time I stayed up for 48 hours was pretty hard!
6. if your life at this moment was a movie, what song would be playing in the background?
- If there is a song about growing a baby bump then I choose that one!
7. what is your guilty pleasure?
- Katy Perry
8. what makes you the happiest?
- A vacation with a good book to read on the way!
9. do you believe in love at first sight and/or soul mates?
- I don't think you can fully love someone at first site but I do think you can feel a connection and feel the potenial to love that person. I don't believe in Soul mates either.
10. what is your beverage of choice?
-Dr. Pepper or just a tall glass of ice water.
11. what is the one thing you could not live without (a tangible object).
My Questions
1. If someone were to turn on your car, what song would be playing?
2. If you could stay a certain age forever, what age would you stay and why?
3. What celebrity do you think you could be best friends with?
4. What is your guilty pleasure?
5. Do you prefer a bath or a shower?
6. What is the worst gift you ever been given?
7. What was the last thing you purchased?
8. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone and what was your conversation about?
9. How did your parents come up with your name?
10. Do you talk in your sleep or sleep walk?
11. What makes you happy?
I tag...
yay you played!! haha oh the secret name... it has come in handy so many times :)