
Sunday, December 18, 2011

House Tour

We are officially home owners!! Thanks to my wonderful family for building
us such an amazing house!

A few of my favorites...

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Rachel + Drew

On November 18, 2011 Rachel and Drew were sealed for time and all eternity in the Salt Lake Temple. I was able to go to their sealing which was beautiful and amazing! I'm so happy for Rachel and Drew!! They are perfect for each other and so happy together!

Later that evening, they had a reception at Wadley Farms. It was a perfect day!

Rachel's beaming bride face :)

Scott and I had our very first dance as a married couple
after a year and a half of marriage!

We ran into Sandy, our favorite preschool director.


(Thanks Amy & Treg for the pictures I stole from your blog)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Powell Family

I don't know the Powell family but when I heard their story on the news I instantly felt an overwhelming feeling of love for them. If you haven't heard what happened you can read the story here. It is the saddest story ever. My thoughts and prayers are with them. It just makes me want to go home and snuggle up with my husband, tell him I love him and never let him go. I am so thankful for my family and friends and the safety they are blessed with everyday. You can help the Powell family by making a donation to the Powell Family Foundation to help pay for hospital and funeral bills.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My niece Taylor got baptized a few weeks ago. She is such a sweet girl. I'm so proud of her decision to be baptized. I was in charge of the song so I had Scott play I am a Child of God on his guitar while all my nieces and nephews sang it. It was just perfect.

Taylor wrote a letter to my mom explaining all the reasons why she wanted to be baptized. I wish I could find it so I could post it but it was the cutest letter I've ever read. She said things like "I want to be baptized because I love Jesus and I think everyone makes mistakes don't they? I think they do and my sins can be washed away." at the end of the letter she said "You are the best grandma I have ever seen or saw."
I love this girl.

Saturday, October 29, 2011


Just a few pictures from the last week... Enjoy!

We had a Halloween Party at Ryan & Heather's House in Bountiful

Soft Science played a great show.

My mom made these juice box mummies for all my nieces and nephews.. so cute!

Eric & Christianne's reception at the Salt Lake Hardware building...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Welcome Home

Two years ago, this guy:

Went on a mission to Mexico.
He returned with honor as this guy:

Spence gave a wonderful talk on Sunday at his homecoming.
We went up the canyon for some delicious food and fun.
The fall leaves were so beautiful!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Old Mirror

My sister, Stephanie was going to take an old bedroom set to DI so I told her I would just keep it and repaint it so I could have an extra bedroom set in my new house. This is the first piece I've done and I am very happy with it! I still need to put the mirrors back in but you get the idea...

Sunday, October 9, 2011


A lot has been happening over the last few months! Mostly all good stuff. Here it goes...

About six months ago Scott and I starting searching for a cute little old house to buy where we could raise our future babies. We went through a bunch of houses but we didn't find anything we absolutely loved. There are too many problems with old houses and we didn't want to constantly be replacing things and fixing things so we started looking at newer townhomes for sale. We found one we really liked. It's in Highland called Tuscana. They look like this:

It's a really unique project because the bottom floor is zoned for both residential and business. It's designed like all the charming little villages in Italy with a business on the bottom floor and living space up above. We almost bought one but every time we decided we wanted to go sign the contract, another issue would surface and it got to the point that we both realized it was not the right decision for us so instead, we bought this:

Yep that's right, pretty soon this will be sitting on that chunk on land.

Our lot is in American Fork. We've grown to love it here over the past year and 5 months (Wow! Has it really been nearly a year and a half? Time is flying!) Our lot is on a perfectly quaint little street with mature trees and nice people. The kids in the neighborhood are always playing on our lot.. they cut the weeds and make forts out of them. I like it already.

We even got to design our own floor plan and choose our colors to make it just right for our family. Thanks to my Dad and brothers who are making it happen for us. This is a house with a very similar house plan to ours and we are doing to same exterior colors.

Well the day has come...I'm moving back home! This time I will have my husband with me which makes it even better! We are moving into their basement. Is it bad to be excited to move back home after you're married? Well either way I am kind of excited. I already hang out with my mom all the time. Now I won't have to travel so far! It's only until our house is built which should be the end of December. It will be so nice to be able to save some money for the next couple months.

As we started packing up our stuff, it became quite Apparent that we have collected A LOT of stuff since we've been married. We rented a storage unit to store our stuff until our house is finished. We had quite the adventure there. We have this wooden shelf in our garage that Scott made (he's quite the handy man) It was like the hardest thing in the world trying to get the sucker in the trailer with just the two of us! We finally got it in and took it to the storage unit. We knew it was going to be tight getting it through the storage unit door (it was almost the exact width of the shelf) well since nothing was working out in our favor that day, it got wedged in the door and we could not get it back out. After like 15 minutes, Scott got so frustrated that his strength almost doubled and he kicked it back out. We figured we would just have to take it back home and take it apart so it would fit in the storage unit but then something miraculous happened! As we were trying to get it back in the trailer it ended up collapsing into a nicely foldable shelf! We just looked at each other and laughed. It was one of memorable moments that we will probably never forget. It worked out perfectly because we were able to get it through the door and then just pop it back up.

This has nothing to do with moving other than it was a distraction while we were trying to pack. We found a HUGE spider that was making a web on our front porch.

We decided to name her Karen and let her live on our front porch. Mainly because we just want to see it kill something that gets caught in it's web. Scott put a praying mantis in the web in hopes that Karen would kill it but the praying mantis made a great escape before the spider made it's move.

That is all of our exciting news... for now :)

Monday, October 3, 2011

Lake Powell

We went on a much needed vacation last weekend. Although it was short, it was SO nice to get away from work, school, packing, unpacking, moving etc. The last few weeks have so extremely busy! We went to Lake Powell with Scott's family. Aside from the wind storm that blew our tent down on top of us in the middle of the night, the drunk people camped next to us who wanted to fight us and the fact that we didn't have pillows the first night, it was great trip!